But orgasm isn't limited in scope to making one (or two) folks feel
good for 5 or 10 minutes before falling asleep. Science has demonstrated
that frequent
The more frequent the orgasm, the better
off that person is going to be on both the physical and psychological
planes. Everyday life results in tension for most of us. The troubles of
responsibilities and relationships take their toll on the psychological
balance of a person.
Sex and orgasms are an opportunity for these
tensions to be released as stress and anxiety are flushed from the
system when you reach orgasm.
Therefore; the mind uses the orgasm
to discharge the tensions out of the system and replace them with a
relaxed body state and on a plus side incorporates pleasure. The most
common thing to do after extricating yourself from the tender embrace
is, naturally, to slip into sleep. The mixed effort of sex and
relaxation brought by orgasm is the ideal replacement for any sleeping
Rather than reaching out for the bottle of tablets, you would be
better off reaching out for the person lying in bed next to you or for a
much-loved sex toy. It is a completely natural solution that should be
heartily endorsed. What men also need understand is that a headache is a
lady's way of saying
"You have to try harder".
The pleasure
brought by orgasm is the result of a discharge of endorphins into the
brain. No headache can survive the attack of pleasure flooding the brain
and the relaxing effect it has.
Naturally, sex isn't intended to
replace dieting, but it appears to go some way toward helping you rein
in those food longings and it does burn some calories. In truth, sex
burns more calories per minute than tennis. The number of systematic
studies shows that frequent orgasms are good for one's health. The
Orgasm plays a critical role to obtain a successful sex life and also
for the physical and psychological health of all men and women.
Apart from the undeniable fact that increased heart rate and heavy
breathing keep the circulatory system in shape and make oxygen circulate
through the body, sex has other benefits. A study made public in
Psychosomatic Medication in 1976 showed clearly that failure to reach
orgasm has a negative result on the heart health of ladies.
levels of oestrogen help keep the heart system in shape, fight
cholesterol and keep the skin pliant.
To conclude regular orgasmic
experiences can truly lead to better health and well being be it from
self pleasure or through love-making. What other excuse to you need?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Holly_Franklin